NEWS: We have introduced 2 new sites. Shipston baby and toddler group and Little Fishes.
Welcome to The Stour Toy Library.
Feel free to browse the toys. To view the toys available, please go to the recently added section on the left navigation tool bar.
There you will see all the toys we have available.
Sign up to become a member. Membership is £5 for the year and all borrowing is free of charge.
To secure a toy, please reserve it. We will then check it out when you come to collect.
Toys need to be ordered by 10.00pm the night before collection.
Toys can be collected from:
- Shipston Baby and Toddler group, Monday 10 - 11am at the Scout Hut
- St Edmunds Church, Monday 2 - 3pm
- Little Fishes, Thursday 10 - 11am at The Townsend Hall, Sheep Street.
Parents/carers may book two toys for each child aged 4 and under
Who are we:
The Stour Toy Library is the initiative of The Stour Health and
Wellbeing Partnership, a charity based in Shipston on Stour and
covers the surrounding area.
What is a toy library:
A toy library is a fantastic resource for families of pre-school aged children.
It works on a loan system in the same way as a book library.
The Stour Toy Library will serve families with children of four years and under.
Who benefits from a toy library:
Parents/carers benefit by borrowing a range of toys that support their child’s all round development for a minimum cost.
By introducing a range of toys parents/carers are supporting their child’s development.
Meeting other parent/carers at the Toy Library can be a great support to the adults who can enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.
benefit from toys that develop a range of skills including
coordination/ social skills/ language/problem solving and observation.
Children learn through play and toy libraries facilitate learning.
many of the toys will be made of plastic the constant reuse of them
will contribute in a small way, to lessening our carbon footprint.
How is it funded:
We are grateful to the following funders.
Shipston Town Council
Stour Valley Lions
WCC Councillor Jo Barker Grant Fund
Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull Community Fund
The Entertainer
The Patrick Trust
More toys will be added to the site as they become available, and if there are any toys that you would recommend, please email
us at: